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Will China's aluminum alloy cable really replace the copper cable market?


There is no doubt that the country has clearly defined the strategy of "saving copper with aluminum". However, if new materials and new technologies want to completely replace old materials and old technologies, it needs a gradual process.
Aluminum alloy cable from the United States, to today, has been used for more than 50 years, in the North American country market share of 80%. Practice has proved that aluminum alloy cable has been used for more than 50 years without any accident and is safe. No one can stop the development trend of aluminum alloy cables, just as no one can stop the historical trend of railway traffic and Internet development.



Although there are all kinds of bad voices on the market, in an attempt to kill the development of aluminum alloy cables, aluminum alloy cables have formed an irresistible trend. In the national energy industry standard "Rated voltage 0.6/1kV aluminum alloy conductor crosslinked polyethylene insulated cable" also provides a strong standard basis for the smooth promotion and application of aluminum alloy cables. No matter from what point of view, aluminum alloy cables have the same market position as copper cables and are one of the members of the cable family.

It is "copper with aluminum", not "aluminum instead of copper", and it is not a simple alternative relationship

Everything has two sides, and the best aluminum alloy cable can not completely replace the copper cable. Just like the advent of television, it has not completely replaced magazines. In the stage of The Times, existence is reasonable, it still has its own value.
Copper cable, aluminum cable, aluminum alloy cable in the wire and cable market each has its own strengths, aluminum alloy cable to some extent, is the upgrade of aluminum cable, because the first batch of aluminum alloy cable manufacturers, market public relations personnel to enter the cable market, let others have a concept of aluminum alloy cable this new product, will inevitably compare it with copper cable. In this way, it also creates the illusion that aluminum alloy cables will replace copper cables.
In fact, aluminum alloy cables are mainly suitable for low-voltage civil construction, some fire-resistant, high-risk areas are not suitable for the use of aluminum alloy cables, and in the low-voltage civil construction field, aluminum alloy cables have absolute advantages.
From the national policy level, in recent years, China has not mentioned "aluminum instead of copper", changed to the basic national policy of "aluminum copper", which is the correct decision to objectively understand the cable market, is a kind of progress, which means that the national level for the respective value of copper cables, aluminum cables, aluminum cables have a clear positioning.

Aluminum alloy cable or copper cable should be decided according to the actual situation

The specific use of aluminum alloy cable or copper cable should be based on the actual situation. From the scientific performance of metal materials, copper cable and aluminum alloy cable have their own advantages and advantages, the use of copper cable can not use aluminum alloy cable, and can use aluminum alloy cable, to maximize the use of aluminum alloy cable, both from the electrical performance, mechanical properties, economic performance are completely feasible, for the country to save copper resources, maintain the safety of strategic materials. Looking at the history of the world's "copper with aluminum", according to the national conditions and the level of science and technology, countries are different, stop-and-go and even repeated, but the overall is gradually developing forward, so the prospect of "copper with aluminum" is generally clear. However, whether the wire and cable with copper or aluminum should be determined by the design of the end use and the user according to the comprehensive technical and economic effect.

Source: Industry sector information Express

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