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What are the causes of disconnection and broken glue in the plastic layer of wire and cable?


Wire and cable used to transmit electrical energy, information and complete electromagnetic energy conversion of wire products. One or more insulated wire cores, and the cladding, total protective layer and outer protective layer they may each have, and the cable may have additional uninsulated conductors.


Some problems may occur when using wire and cable, such as disconnection or broken glue. Xiaobian has sorted out the causes and solutions:
The cause:
(1) There is water or oil in the conductor core
(2) The core is too heavy and the mold core is in local contact, causing the temperature to decrease, the plastic is cooled locally, and the plastic is disjointed or

broken due to stretching.
(3) The quality of semi-finished products is poor, such as loose steel belts and plastic belts, joints are not strong or too large.
Elimination method:
(1) The mold selection should be larger, especially the selection of the sheath mold, which should be enlarged by 6 to 8mm.
(2) Appropriately reduce the length and thickness of the mold nozzle.
(3) Reduce the speed of the screw and traction.
(4) Properly adjust the control temperature of the head.

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